Aanbevolen literatuur



-Traininglevels. Steps To Success. Sue Ailsby. (Engelstalig)
-Clickertraining. De vier geheimen van supertraining! Morten Egtvedt & Cecilie Koste
-Stop met Blaffen. Karen Pryor.
-Honden sneller laten leren. Pamela J. Reid
-Control Unleashed. Leslie McDevitt (Engelstalig).
-Control Unleashed The Puppy Program. Leslie McDevitt (Engelstallig)
-Plenty in Life is Free. Reflections on Dogs, Training and Finding Grace. Kathy Sdao. (Engelstalig)
-Over Groeistuipen en mijlpalen. De ontwikkeling van de jonge hond. Marcel Nijland.
-Help mijn hond trekt! Turid Rugaas


Spelletjes / vrije tijd:

-Hersengymnastiek voor uw Hond. Nicky Gootjes
-Hondenspelletjes. Mary Ray, Justine Harding
-Doggy dancing. Mary Ray, Andrea McHugh



-Voer voor Carnivoren. Tannetje Koning


Flatcoated retriever:

-De Flatcoated retriever in Nederland.



Beginners/ praktisch:

-What do I do...When my dog pulls? Turid Rugaas
-The How of Bow Wow!  Foundation Skills for all Dogs. Building, Proofing and Polishing Behaviors.
-The Shape of Bow Wow. Shaping behaviors and adding cues.
-Really Reliable Recall. Train Your Dog to Come When Called... No Matter What! Leslie Nelson
-Crate Games. For Self-Control and Motivation. Susan Garrett.
-Control Unleashed. A Foundation Seminar. Leslie McDevitt
-Control Unleashed. Game Demonstrations. Leslie McDevitt

Verdieping theorie.

-Reinforcement Strategies: How to Use Non-Food Reinforcers Effectively. Ken Ramirez.
-Learning Theory 101. Kathy Sdao
-Know way, know how. Kathy Sdao
-Advanced Clicker Training. Kathy Sdao
-Improve your i-cue. Kathy Sdao
-Does the name pavlov ring a bell. Kathy Sdao
-Cujo meets pavlov! Kathy Sdao
-Kathy Unplugged: So many choices. Kathy Sdao
-What Not to Err. Kathy Sdao